Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of answers to the frequently asked questions;
1. What does GobbleHub stand for?▼
The word Gobble means to eat hurriedly, noisily and hungrily, while the word Hub means the centre of a network. Simply put, GobbleHub is a foodtech centre where the hungry connects to the nearest free food donor.
2. Is GobbleHub duly registered as a non-profit organization?▼
GobbleHub Foundation is duly incorporated in the state of California as a 501(c)(3) organization with the status of a tax-exempt non-profit organisation.
3. How many volunteers (reps) are currently with GobbleHub?▼
GobbleHub has over 400 volunteers from over 120 countries with GobbleHub. However, we still need more volunteers/reps as the task of feeding the hungry globally, is huge.
4. Does GobbleHub have a global SMS & WhatsApp hotline?▼
No, GobbleHub has a hotline for each country of the world for text and WhatsApp only. The list of national hotlines will be made available in phases after project launch.
5. As a private individual, how can I donate cash to your organisation?▼
You simply navigate to We encourage monthly or periodic donors, so we can make pragmatic budget and schedules.
6. Are my donations in cash and food items tax deductible?▼
Yes, they are tax deductible according to the indicated country’s tax laws. Moreso, the cost of the food item donated will be calculated in line with the relevant Fair Market Value.
7. How can my non-profit organization be registered on your platform?▼
Kindly click on register as Non-profit on GobbleHub’s homepage and fill the form accordingly. You will be duly contacted.
8. How can a private individual donate food using GobbleHub platform?▼
Kindly fill the Private Donor form at GobbleHub homepage, an official rep will contact you with further details.
9. What is Social Return on Investment (SROI) for non-profit organizations?▼
SROI is a way to measure the social, economic and environment effects of charity projects and GobbleHub is committed to assist charities globally to measure their SROI.
10. Does GobbleHub support food banks that accept cash donations?▼
Sure, as cash donations can buy more averagely cost foods and take care of some logistics costs.
11. Will GobbleHub platform support Food banks that accept essential non-food items like toiletries?▼
Yes, as long as the food bank or non-profit have the logistics to receive and share them.
12. Do food banks under your platform accept fresh and frozen foods?▼
This depends on the policies of each food bank as some may lack refrigerators to store such foods.
13. Do your carry out due diligence on non-profit organizations registered on your platform?▼
Sure, background checks and robust identity checks are carried on each non-profit on GobbleHub’s platform. Any non-profit with confirmed suspicious activity (ies) will be disengaged from our platform.
14. How do your monitor efficiency in food collection and distribution?▼
With the use of a cutting edge AI-empowered logistics tool, we can efficiently track and manage food collection and distribution systems globally.
15. Can I get a paid remote job at GobbleHub Foundation?▼
Yes, you can. Simply send your CV to Kindly note that we give priority to Official Reps (volunteers) with a minimum of 6-month active service with GobbleHub, so prospective job applicants are advised to register as official reps and perform meritoriously.
16. How do you know a genuinely hungry person, to avoid the abuse of your platform?▼
Sincerely, it is difficult to identify a genuinely hungry person. However, we trust that with time the official rep that lives in that community will get to know persons that maliciously want to abuse our system, especially in the area of hoarding food to the detriment of genuinely hungry persons.
17. How can a non-volunteer assist the hungry having no phone device or internet-enabled phone?▼
A passer-by can assist a beggar or an hungry person by either showing him/her the nearest food bank if sightable or sending a text message to GobbleHub Global hotline, stating the clothing details and concise location of the beggar with sufficient landmarks like bus stop, grocery shop, etc.
18. If I can’t locate a nearest food bank centre, what do I do?▼
Send a text message with your location to the relevant Hotline for a prompt response on the next food distribution close to your location. Kindly start text with State/Province and city/town for prompt response.
19. What is in a typical food parcel?▼
This varies from food bank to food bank, respective volunteers are expected to document brief specifics of the food scheduled for distribution in their calendar of events.
20. How does your organization ensure that food distributed is safe for feeding?▼
GobbleHub will present our standard comprehensive safety protocols to each food bank registered on our platform and volunteers should ensure the various food banks in their jurisdiction adhere to such protocols for safe and healthy handling of donated food items.
21. Can a fast food outlet or restaurant donate leftovers to needy through your platform?▼
No, food leftovers are strictly prohibited for distribution via our platform.
22. Can a Supermarket donate about-to-expire food items to your platform?▼
Yes, close-to-expiry can foods can be distributed via our platform as long as the cans are not damaged, swollen or showing signs of spoilage.
23. As a volunteer, is there any regular financial remuneration for me?▼
No, volunteers are unpaid workers, however they can be given occasional stipends to cover for extended work time or for pressing reason, ensuring the respective state labour laws are not contravened. For instance, USA prohibits the displacement of a regular employee by a volunteer.
24. Is GobbleHub GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant?▼
No, we are not. However our partner, that handles all our identity profiling is duly compliant with GDPR certification. More details at ;
25. Are safe is donation via credit card on your platform?▼
Our official payment gateways are & Both of them adheres to the highest level of security for payment processors - PCI-DSS Level 1 compliance. This stringent standard, set by major credit card brands, guarantees the secure handling of all credit card data.
26. Do you carry out background checks on volunteers located globally?▼
Sure, with the use of special due diligence metrics and a robust AI-driven identity verification, ensures only legitimate volunteers are on our platform.
27. Can a member of a needy family collect food on behalf of other family members?▼
This depends on the quantity of food available at a pantry or food bank, volunteers are at liberty to decide on the quantity to be given to a representing family member. Our priority is to feed as many genuinely hungry people as possible before giving extra to a single person.
28. Can I request for a special diet due to my health condition?▼
No, you cannot as food banks are not restaurants or fast food spots.
29. Can I request for baby food as a needy single parent?▼
Yes you can, if available at the food bank of choice. Chat with a volunteer close to your location.
30. If I have no transport fare to get to the nearest food bank, can your platform assist in any way?▼
No please, as that will be an overbearing task to manage.
31. What is the fastest way to make a complaint or an inquiry?▼
Send a text via SMS or WhatsApp to your respective national hotline number, starting with your State/Province and city/town.
32. Does GobbleHub service capture various languages, cultures, socio-political backgrounds?▼
Yes, it does as we attend to all persons irrespective of age, colour, disability, gender identity, race, religious, sex, veteran status etc. However, it is vital to note that persons under the age of 15 years will be asked some questions regarding his/her family background as some kids maybe homeless due to one form of abuse or the other.
33. Who is an Official Rep.(OR) under GobbleHub?▼
An official Rep or representative is a volunteer that has been vetted and trained in line with GobbleHub recruitment program (GRB). It is important to note the various categories of Volunteers:
- Official Rep – Certified Volunteers
- Super Rep – Country Volunteers
- Continental Rep – Continental Volunteers
34. Who is an Operational Staff under GobbleHub?▼
An Operational Staff are paid employees who perform daily tasks to run and maintain GobbleHub processes.
35. How can GobbleHub get food to the hungry in conflict zones, especially in areas with no internet access?▼
GobbleHub online platforms will be accessible in conflict/war zones as licensed humanitarian service providers are given priority Satellite Internet Service. This implies that GobbleHub website and platforms can be accessible by both the volunteers and the hungry, unaffected by the usual shutdown of internet service in most conflict zones.
36. How can GobbleHub get food to the hungry in locations affected by climate crisis, especially when the crisis shuts down the internet access?▼
GobbleHub online platforms will be accessible by a priority satellite internet service.
37. How can GobbleHub distribute food items in crisis areas with no electricity supply and the hungry can’t even use their phones?▼
When a crisis is imminent, GobbleHub volunteers will be advised to equip themselves with high capacity phone power bank to ensure their smartphones are powered on for days before recharge at any Red Cross service point. Moreso, GobbleHub volunteers will be equipped with battery powered megaphones to announce food distribution locations within the community.
38. What are 3 major duties of the volunteers (official reps)?▼
- Get data of food items donated at various food banks under his/her purview
- Upload the collected data of available food items and scheduled dates of distribution on GobbleHub online platform
- Monitor, record (with photos) and upload to GobbleHub platform the distribution of food items to the hungry